Wednesday, December 22, 2010

AH, crazy stuff;

The break, thus far, has been exactly what I needed. Minus a couple of details. Yes, we've had some major friend drama this last weekend, but we say our peace, we hope that they listen and understand where you're coming from, but you accept at the end of the day taht you can't make their decisions for them, ever. All you can say and do is be there at the end of the day when/if that decision falls apart completely or when/if it comes together more beautifully than ever. Lord, I pray that I was heard. Moving on, yes, it's only three days until christmas and I'm straight flippin' balls. I had christmas with my best friends last night, I got new sanuks, a new chi straightner and a $50 gift card to charlotte Russe. Super excited about all of them. And tomorrow, I work. Wth?! Who works on their christmas break?! I suppose everyone really does, it just sucks butt. I'm geared up and ready to go for Christmas. Everything is bought and wrapped. Except two of my mommy's gifts. My room is clean and ready for the chaos that it will become on December 25th, and lastly my heart is so in awe of my Jesus that I can't explain myself.

Dear Lord: I'm completely broken for you right now, please fix me for you and your kingdom's cause.


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Oh my dear blog, how long I have been parted from thee.

So, my life is extremely busy, thus I have not had to the time to blog. Not that my blog nor my few readers are of lesser importance to me than everything else! Anyways, It's coming on Christmas. I love this time of year. ABSOLUTELY LOVE. Seriously, the day of thanksgiving, I release every bit of "holly and jolly-ness" I have held within me for the whole year leading up to this day. I went Christmas Shopping today and picked up a few presents and tomorrow I will for the most part finish up my shopping. I just pray I can make it through this next week of school without completely going insane from the stress of semester tests and other things that drive my nuts on a daily basis at that school. *cough! drama cough!* I've held myself together for this long, surely I can last five more days. Update on the family? Why, sure. My mother is utterly amazing and daily gains more of my love and admiration. My daddy is my daddy and always will be, He's very well. My brother has only two semesters left before grad school in quite possibly Denver, Colorado at the Denver Conservatory of Music. Yes, saddening. My Justin is the most incredible human being of the opposite sex (falling right beneath my daddy) that I've ever met and the fact that he's mine (yes, mine and completely mine, not yours) makes me happier and happier daily. Thoughts of Christmas consume my mind right now, completely. I only have Kenny's, joshua's, Dillon's, and Branson's gifts left to buy. OKay, I'm tired..and getting off here.

all my love,