Friday, November 19, 2010


I have so much to say. I can't say it on here. Goodnight. :3

Monday, November 15, 2010

Deleted post.

Yes, I deleted a post. The post I posted last night out of anger and frustration. I was just as puerile as what I was accusing others of. While, yes I have the full right to say what I want on my blog about whatever events I want but I just want to be more "professional" than that. Being the bigger person always feels better :3 and also because I need not vent on some silly website and become unchristlike whenever I have my Jesus to vent to twenty four seven. :3 TODAY?! Well, it was amazing pretty much. I'm going to Francis Tuttle with my boooy. Yes, I love him with my entire heart. OH! I have him to vent to too, but he doesn't even come close to my Jesus.

Monday, November 8, 2010

YES, my thoughts.

YES, I didn't do my homework this weekend because I don't understand it. YES, I'm going to fail a chemistry test this morning. YES, I'm dropping chemistry this week, in fact i'm going to talk to her today and if she still says no, then I'll let my mother talk to her because I'm too stressed and can't handle it. YES, I'm switching to being mrs. nelsons choir aide first hour. YES, She's the best ever for letting me do that. YES, I know this school year is kicking my butt hardcore. YES, if a certain someone says something to me or my bestfriend today I will kill yanes. YES, i meant to say yanes. YES, i bought sixteen candles on DVD this weekend. YES, my dad needs to fix me tailight. YES, I'm tired of school and need THANKSGIVING BREAK. YES, it's only twelve days away. YES, I have an ortho appt this friday that i'm pretty excited about. YES, I'm proud of my best friend for being bold for love. YES, I'm extremely excited about christmas. YES, I only have to work twice this week. YES, YES, YES. YES, i love my boyfriend with every fiber of my being. YES, I always will. YES, I'm super excited about my life. YES, I'm very stressed and I've been getting sick again. YES, it's because of chemistry. YES, I will be honest and tell you that THIS year, i can't hack it. YES, I'm ready to be a senior. YES YES YES YES, I'm done. (: Have an amazing day.

Friday, November 5, 2010


I will perserve my thoughts for my other blog and journal. My private blog. They would do no good on here other than show my true feelings on certain things and certain people and help my vent but no other good would come from it.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

ECOCDA and other thoughts;

ECOCDA was amazing. Utterlly amazing like always. What I can tell you is that I'm extremely stressed out about school, and mainly chemistry. I can also tell you that at the turn of the semester I will be getting out of that class and into something else. Anything else. I will be spending my days off this weekend doing homework of many different kinds. English, Trig, Chem, Spanish, and US history. Yes, Five lovely classes all of which I will have some sort of homework in. Moving on from my school related stress, I'm really glad that maybe things are coming together even more beautifully than I could have ever imagined. I'm rather annoyed at this moment, but I should've have just followed the directions, but I never was very good at that and now I'm extremely annoyed. Okay, getting off. I have to work tonight. "/ GOYS.