Monday, October 18, 2010

This blog is where I put my feelings right?

Okay, good just making sure. I realized like a million things today. Productive days make me happy. I've realized today so many different things about myself and about my friends and it makes me laugh. My laugh would be hell on earth if I was ever to wake one day and be told that I could no longer write. The Same with music, if i was to be told I couldn't listen to music...yeah, baaad day in the life of Kaitlin Smith. Congratulations to the One Act performers, I'm proud. I'm asking you not to let this go to your heads though, just a request. Speaking of heads, Mine feels like it's about to fall off, allergies suck butt. So Justin is back to wearing his wranglers and boots and it's HOT. You know part of my feels like maybe the vans and the skinny jeans are him, but the more and more I think about it, it's not. All other people normally think it is, and maybe its just because I do know him like most people don't and so I know it's really not him. I just love him, ha. He's about ready to move in with a one Branson Byrd :D Yeah, excited about that one. My Lord is so amazingly beautiful. Read romans, you'll know. (: Okay, going to do homework, I'll probably get back on tonight and talk more cause I haven't posted in awhile.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Boy Meets World(:

this show is my happy place. Rachel, I'm not gonna blog about what I was going to so just ask me tomorrow ok?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Boys are not alright in the head

They really arent. I can't honestly say girls are either though, in any way, shape, or form. One of my really really good friends Kiersten came into my work tonight bawling because her boyfriend who she lives with and whom she loves entirely did something really really stupid...and she blamed herself..horrible. I've been almost in her exact shoes..exactly. It sucks, and blaming herself is going to do her know good. She has to KNOW that she's good enough and should be treated like the amazing girl she is. Anyways, pray for her? Thanks. Work was good tonight but so so so slow. I didn't have homework(: I'm really glad to just get started on this next nine weeks and not even care about this last night weeks and just do my very very best. Life is sort of aboslutely amazing.I have parents who couldn't be more wonderful. I have true friends who understand me to a degree and stand by me through thick and thin (Talley, Sam, and branson). I have the most perfect boyfriend/best friend on the planet. It's just all so beautiful. Okay, sleep? Please, I need you horribly. Goodnight.

an "in love with Jesus" Kait


Here we go. Today will consist of: missing my boyfriend, wishing i was out of that hell hole, failing a chemistry test, getting all my grades from my classes (yikes..) and dealing with people who should really go back to junior high with all their drama. Don't get me wrong...I LIKE high school. It's fun. and I'm enjoying all the activities I'm partaking in. I just hate it all at the same time. I just have sernioridice already, and i can tell you now it's a good thing I'm barely going to ahve any classes my senior year cause if i did tere's a good chance I'd blow most of them off without even realizing it. Glee concert thursday. (: Yes, I said Glee, and i'm still sticking to my earlier confession/commitement to be done with the word choir. I'm extremely sleepy and I'm feeling a nap today when I get home. Yes. (: Okay, gotta head to that one place. Have an amazing day readers :D

a premature teenager.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

My beautiful life that is constantly messy..

HELLO. Hi. Hey. Yo. I love my life...with my whole heart right? So, this blog should be regarded as my outburst of worthless complaints about the things that are wrong with my life when in all reality my life is pretty gosh darn perfect. I'm stressed beyond reason by school, beyond reason. I have missed because of school activities as well as for an illness and I can guarentee you that I probably went from A's in all my classes to having B's in all of them but maybe four. possibly only three. My real question though, is HONESTLY...why do I feel like I have to be a straight A student...? Tell me. This isn't a rhetorical question. Justin told me this morning that he doesn't understand why I put so much pressure on myself. He told that he just wishes that I would realize that my parents and him and all my true friends just want me to be me because that's when I'm perfect, not when I'm striving for perfection...and he's probably right. All the stress comes from myself, not from my parents. Well that's partly a lie, my real father probably consider my less than 4.0 GPA as another reason to favor my stepsister, but anyways. And I know I'm smart, so what does it really matter as long as I work my very hardest. I'm praying and I've become more peaceful about all of it, plus, it's just a nine weeks grade and I can make it all up in the second half. :D SSOOO, moving on..Today, I got to take a trip just me and my babygirls (Clara Jo and Dani Marie) to their Grandmom and DooDad's house(: haha I'm so glad that I live in my own little world.

@thediaryofahypersensataive: uhm, I love you, and God's will always prevails. Always.

an overall emotional ball of happy.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I'm still annoyed;

I want to say something so bad, but she'll realize it i'm sure. I'll just keep my mouth shut and avoid a needless conflict. (: Okay, moving on. FIVE am in the morning. WHO does that?! ugh. So's stupid. Okay, so this is short and sweet and to the point because I don't have much to say and feel no need to ramble tonight. I need prayer, for anyone who decides they want to read this. Thanks(:

i love my boyfriend/best friend.
a very annoyed Kait

Friday, October 1, 2010


People annoy me. People annoy me so much. It's not that I don't realize that I annoy people too at times, and with some people probably all the time. I do understand this. I just am really annoyed right now. People need to get over themselves. Whatever. I've just decided that I'm going to take Mr. Castle approach...or attempt to take his approach. "You need to be like me. I haven't had a bad day yet."-Mr. Castle. Goodness, I love him. Okay, getting off. Time to go to school, HOMECOMING TODAY! I wish I didn't have to work tonight, but it's allll good :3

an annoyed but HAPPPPPY Kait