Tuesday, June 7, 2011

These days are something new.

I've never been so inspired to write in my entire life. Words are flowing out of me onto the paper like crazy. Emotions in writing, in black ink, in raw honesty. It's like I was hit with something enormous on my head and woke up with a entirely new outlook on the way life works and how to live it. My date last night went extremely EXTREMELY well, < 3 I'm afraid to say I'm falling. I'm afraid that those feelings aren't in complete return, but I always say "breathe deep & love strong". I cannot wait to get my tattoo of that. So, I've been incredibly wrapped up in the question of what my friends and family would have to say about me if I died tomorrow...obviously, there's inspiration behind that question, I'm not just saying that because I'm emo or something. I just truly wonder, because I know, say, and hear the amazing things that Molly left behind. OH, total 180 here buuut, this 63 year old guy came into the dealership today and wrote a check for a 62,000 dollar vehicle for his 23 year old girlfriend with GIGANTUIN ta-ta's. I was astounded. (: Only an hour and ten minutes left until I'm off work and head down to my father's house in duncan to stay the night. I'm extremely glad rachel's coming with me. You know it's one thing to know in your heart how incredibly blessed you are by the Lord, but it is a totally other thing to actually experience it. :3 just saying!

"If you'd just realize, what I just realized then we'd be perfect for each other and we'd never find another. Just realize what I just realized and we'd never have to wonder if we missed out on each other now. But it's not the same, no it's never the same if you don't feel it too. If you'd meet me halfway, you could meet me halfway. It could be the same for you."

a indifferent Kait...

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