Monday, September 20, 2010

Get to know me?!

Odd numbers freak me out. I have ocd about many different things. One of which is my writing, I'll rewrite a whole paragraph if it doesn't look the way I want it too. I drink a lot of water and not much pop. I wear jeans more than I wear anything, and that's because I hate my legs. I can't fix my hair that way I want to to save my life. Chinese food is about the only thing that I could eat twenty four seven. I can't stand when people wear patterns or colors that clash. I'm book smart, and the one thing you could say to piss me off quickly is that i'm stupid. I don't really care that every other girl in the US is saying it, I'm so much like Bella Swan its not even funny, and that's why I read the books and love them so much. I used to play basketball, and I loved it, but things happen. I listen to every type of music. Girls annoy me with their drama. I care about little things way too much and not enough about the big things. I'm the world's best classroom texter. I joke around a lot, and I'm really just a "say it how it is" person. I keep a journal, and I write all the time. Boy meets world is my all time favorite show. I'm blunt, but I know how to keep my mouth shut. When I get really excited about something i make no sense when I talk. My mom is my rock. I probably read more in a year than you can speak. I would rather see someone else laugh, than myself. I'm so clumsy, I hit myself with things and fall down all the time. I have a plan after highschool. I do depend on people more than I should, but only one person. I love going out just as much as I love staying in, which is a lot. Im not high matentience, nor do i cost a lot of money. I have a hard time sitting still. I hate shoes, but since I have to wear them I love them. My feet are always on the dashboard or underneath me. Criss cross apple sauce is my favorite. I never thought I could miss someone so much that I'd never met, but i was wrong. I'm very open minded and would love to hear your view on things, but just remember I have my view too and I'm hardheaded about them. I like the think I can dance, but according to others I can't. I laugh at everything. If you read this all, I love you.


  1. Who in the world says you can't dance?! That is a lie! Lol, duuuude! Do you remember that one time at the bowling alley (it was forever ago when we went to whbc... when we used to bowl. Lol you probably don't remember) when you did some random dance move and Ryan was behind you checking you out? Ha, yeah that was funny. (: I love you, dear.

    P.S. I hope you're having fun at the Tom Petty concert. **She says bitterly**;P

  2. hah, you're wrong best friend, I DO remember, and it feels like it was FOREVER ago. lol
